

Discover what it takes to begin a new, rewarding career path in sterile processing

无菌处理代表了加入不断增长的医疗保健领域的一个极好的入门级机会. Sterile processing technicians are behind-the-scenes healthcare heroes, whose careful and detailed work ripples throughout a hospital, 直接影响到每个病人的康复.

Become a crucial contributor to a vital part of every hospital’s operation. Here are the steps you need to take to become a 无菌处理技术员:

  1. 了解职位
  2. 得到教育
  3. 获得的经验
  4. 得到认证
  5. 推进你的事业

1. 了解无菌处理的核心作用


就像心脏是输送氧气和营养物质到全身的枢纽一样, 中央服务部是消毒手术器械和医疗器械的地方, 检查, 重新组装, sterilized and packaged for delivery throughout the hospital.

外科医生, 医生, 护士和医务人员如果没有许多消毒的工具和仪器,就无法完成他们的工作——就像大脑一样, lungs and other organs can’t function without a dependable beating heart.


Sterile processing techs ensure medical instruments are properly 检查, 清洗, 经过消毒,可以在整个医院使用, 诊所, 医生办公室或其他医疗机构.

Technicians typically work in a 无菌处理 Department (SPD) in a hospital, 有时称为中央无菌服务部或中央供应部. 无菌处理是快节奏的, 技术性和注重细节的工作,需要高度关注和与其他医务人员的明确合作.

Techs must follow strict processes for different types of equipment, 使用计算机跟踪进度,并核实所有仪器都已入账并妥善维修.

Sterile processing techs do not work directly with patients, but their work is imperative to ensure every patient achieves positive health outcomes.

对于性格内向的人来说,这是一个很好的起点,他们希望迅速开始新的职业道路, 适应医院的环境, 培养有价值的技能, 真正帮助那些需要帮助的人.


2. 接受无菌处理方面的教育

虽然获得大学学位或专业证书并不一定是找到无菌处理技术员工作的必要条件, 没有医学术语方面的经验或基础知识,很难胜任一份工作, 医疗器械或灭菌过程.

A sterile processing department can be an intimidating place for those new to the profession. You are surrounded by highly specialized instrumentation, 机械, and equipment; all of which you will need to be familiar with—with little margin for error!


软件下载24-credit 无菌处理文凭课程 is designed to help you build a strong foundation for success right from the start.

建立你的医学词汇, 学会识别手术器械,熟悉消毒流程,自信地进入你的第一份工作,成为一名无菌处理技术员.

类开始 7月8日


3. 获得专业经验

在接受了无菌处理方面的教育之后, the next step is to begin earning professional experience. 是时候找你的第一份工作了!

Job postings for 无菌处理技术员s may only require a high school diploma or GED. 通过持有无菌处理的文凭, you’ll be in a great position to separate yourself from the rest and be truly 合格的 for the job rather than simply meet the minimum requirements.

After earning your first job and beginning to gain professional experience, 你将走上获得认证的下一条道路.

无菌处理技术员 Earning Professional Experience

4. 得到认证/授权


Certification proves to employers you’re highly competent in sterile processing, capable not only of succeeding in an entry level role as a tech, but growing into a reliable ongoing contributor for a sterile processing department.



After meeting the 400-hour threshold you’ll be ready to sit for the CRCST exam.


根据 HSPA, out of 8,056 CRCST exams taken in 2021, 75% passed the test. 考试可不是在公园里散步那么容易! 你需要在学术和专业上做好充分的准备,才能通过考试并获得认证.

基于计算机的CRCST exam 是3小时, containing 150 multiple choice questions testing your knowledge of cleaning, 去污, 消毒, 病人护理设备, 灭菌过程, 和更多的.

得到教育, 努力学习, and you’ll be in the best 幸运28计划 position to pass the exam and become certified.



  • 无菌处理技术人员 are responsible for sterilizing equipment needed for medical procedures. Their duties are primarily outside of the operating room; however, 他们的工作职能对手术室至关重要.
  • 外科手术技术 负责无菌技术, 了解外科手术程序和器械, 保持田地的无菌, passing instruments during the sequence of the procedure, 还有很多其他的职责. They function as the masters of aseptic technique in the operating room.

Job titles, duties and responsibilities can vary between different healthcare institutions. 不同的州可能对谁有资格承担什么责任有自己独特的限制. Some states require that the surgical technologist have a current certification for employment. Some surgical technologists handle the sterilization of equipment as well.

获得副学士学位并成为一名合格的外科技术人员是你成为外科团队不可或缺的一员的入场券, handle many different types of tasks and become highly valuable to employers.


无菌加工代表了一个很好的工作选择和潜在的跳板,以众多的职业可能性. If you’re looking to get started fast in a new healthcare career path, 无菌处理可能非常适合你.

Working as a traveling sterile processing can be a great opportunity to see new places, 体验不同的文化,结识新朋友——这一切都是在有回报的职业生涯中培养你的技能.

每一个招聘广告都会对旅行无菌处理技术人员有自己独特的要求. Be ready with an updated resume and immunization and health records. Getting certified is very important; these positions can be competitive and you’ll need every advantage you can get in the application process.



Job roles and responsibilities are always unique to each facility, 但在一般意义上,“中心服务”和“无菌处理”技术人员之间几乎没有什么区别.

根据 劳工统计局, medical equipment preparers earn an average annual salary of $44,940 每年($21.61 每小时).*

5. 继续你的事业,继续前进

作为一个经验丰富的CRCST, 你将有一个可持续发展的医疗事业,有很多潜在的发展机会.

除此之外,在无菌处理部门晋升,并承担更高级的职责, 无菌处理技术员s can potentially work towards becoming a surgical technologist, 这就需要 外科技术专科学历.1 那些现在获得无菌处理文凭的人可以将学分转移到外科技术课程中,从而大大减少获得学位所需的时间.

为了有资格获得需要学士学位的工作机会,你也可以选择攻读学士学位 健康科学学士学位 在未来.

We want to help you reach your highest career goals in healthcare. Take your first step with Herzing大学 and make your new career path 幸运28计划.



1. Herzing外科技术副学士学位目前在软件下载的新奥尔良校区开放.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2022 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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